Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Well, I finally did it!  I cut Logan's hair!

I was going to cut it last time he needed a cut, but
when the time came I was feeling pretty sick so my
dad did it for me.

This time, there was no excuses though.
Just look at that mop on his head!

JoAnn coached me along....

Trying to help me not chop off his ear....
Oops, sorry about that sweetie!!

Cami was also helping.
 You can see her finger pointing to all the spots I missed.

In the end I was able to finish him up all by myself.
Well... except for the finishing touches..  JoAnn took care of that.

In the end, my handsome man is back!
What a hunk!


Unknown said...

Good job Cassie. Your dad would be proud.

Ryan and Katie said...

MAN Logan you better make sure you have your hair cut again before your baby girl gets here! That would scare the poor girl!!! ;)