Thursday, March 18, 2010

Terror Haza

While we were in Budapest we went to The House of Terror.
It was....



This building, at 60 Andrassy Utca, was headquarters to two
different, awful groups:  the Nazis and the Communists.
Now it is a museum showing the terrible things that happened
during their reigns.

This is the first thing you see when you start the tour.
It is also the only thing you are allowed to take pictures of.
The walls are covered with pictures of victims.  It goes up three stories high.  Too many faces..

The platform under the tank is covered in oil.  It slowly
drips down off the sides.
It kind of sets the mood for the rest of the exhibits.
There were many horrible things that made my heart hurt.
One of the things that stood out to me the most though
were the reconstructed prison cells.

"Interrogations - in line with Soviet practice - were usually held at night.
Suspects were prevented from sleeping for several nights, and in many
cases were held without food and water.  They employed every
possible method of physical and psychological pressure on their victims.
Facing the wall with their noses rammed against it, or with arms stretched
out horizontally, sometimes for 10-12 hours.
Beatings with truncheons were everyday affairs, as well as
"physical exercises"; some were tortured with electric current, burring cigarettes, pliers..."

I can not even begin to imagine how people thought
things like that were ok.  Makes me a little ill.

I asked Logan what he liked most:
"i like the history it tells about the nazi and communist reigns"
So, in other words, the whole museum... Silly boy. 

If you are in the area, you CAN NOT pass this by.
It will change you.

In June they have a special exhibit coming.

I would go back just to see this.
Even just this one little display gives me the chills.

Love, love this.

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