Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sissy's Show

Logan and I had the wonderful opportunity to go
and watch Shara's last orchestra concert of the school year.

I have been to both previous concerts she had this year and Logan
was able to go to one.  Because we were able to see these earlier
concerts, we were a little nervous for this one..
Let's just say there is certainly a big difference between
"Jr. High talent" and "High School talent."

 Pointing out her name in the program.

Shara's BFF Eric is in the jazz band.

They did really good.

Pops is such a nice man, he helps out with the music stuff over at
the school and plays the piano when they have concerts.

He always gets the loudest cheers (because I'm kind of loud...)

Sissy was sitting behind some large chic so I did not get
a picture of her playing.  Here is her orchestra group though. 

She is on the very left behind the girl all in black.

They have definitely improved over the year!  I was very
happy I didn't have to cover my ears in pain.  :)

During the majority of the pieces I was trying to figure out
what the sign above the stage meant.

  I forgot to ask Shar what it was all about..

Logan, on the other hand, was doing something a little different..

I'm glad goon doesn't take after him too much...  She was dancing
around the whole time.  She loved it!

Afterwords, we headed over to Ma and Pa's house to try out

 Thanks Lindsey for the recipe!!

De-lish and good job Sis!!


Lynnie said...

I'm always amazed that men can sleep pretty much anywhere!

liesel said...

awesome, go Shara!

LiNdS said...

You did awesome on the recipe! Such a fun and yummy treat!