Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Cart Guy

Living and working in this lovely place called Kearns
entitles me to so many fantastic opportunties....

... to see weirdos.

Now, don't get me wrong, not everyone over here is
a wack-job.  We just seem to have a higher concentration
than a few other places around the valley.

Take for instance the man who brings his dogs to the vet
in a shopping cart.

Now why are they in a shopping cart and not just walking
along side their owner like normal dogs?

See for your self.

"Free" is a 95+ pound german shepherd heading into her 19th year of life.
"Moe" is a 2-legged pup.

Oh the joys..  At least there is never a dull day.

1 comment:

The Trimble's said...

Megan didn't add the fact that they were old and crippled.....Still though, that guys seems a little looney!