Monday, March 29, 2010

Par-tay with the Nelson crew.

When ever the Nelson family gets together, there is never
a dull moment.

Especially when it's just the Nelson ladies.

My amazing aunts Diana, Sylvia, and Jennifer threw me
a baby shower and it was just as crazy and fun as was to
be expected!

We played lots of fun games.

And chatted as much as we could.

There was tons and tons of great chow.

And I got my first pack of diapers!!

Thanks everyone for the good times!!

*My wonderful sis took all the pictures for me.  Thanks sissy!!


King Family said...

looks like tons of fun, I love newborn diapers they are so small and cute (it's just what babies do in them that is yucky)!!!

Ryan and Katie said...

I missed out on Jace's first messy diapers, so it'll be a first for both of us this time! And if you don't use all the diapers, PACK THEM!!! I'm using all of Jace's leftover diapers for Kayden and it's saving me a TON of money!!! You look fantastic by the way!!!

Jake and Jessica said...

There will only be hundreds more packs of diapers buy.

The Trimble's said...

Awe how cute! You really do have a belly!

rantipoler said...

Dang, we have a cool family!