Wednesday, February 24, 2010

That icky "T" word....

Yep, you guessed it: taxes.

Looks like someone needs a haircut again...  I can feel another post coming soon.. ;)
Have you finished yours yet?  We have!!

And......the government is sending us a check once
again!!  Hooray!

It is going straight to:
Logan's car
Can't wait to have *almost* no car payments!

the Galen fund

and tons of stuff for our baby girl.

So, anyone getting back tons and using it for
something a little more exciting than us?


Nichole said...

We already got ours done and back and it went to pay off the millions of bills that I have!! You are doing so much more interesting things with your taxes!

Lindsay said...

Just be happy you are getting money back! We owe thousands of dollars! Stupid self employment! So frustrated! I still don't know when we are going to be able to get our adoption papers in! It seems like every time we make a plan, something always comes up! Can't wait to hear what you name your cute baby!