Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Yep, we made them too!

And now you all get to see what they are
because like Melanie, I think
if they are posted on the blog for all to see
I will have to be much more accountable
and stick with them!

1 Attend the temple at least twice a month.
2 Gain 25-35 pounds, then loose it all very quickly.
3 Start training and saving for the awesome 12 in 12 in 2011.
         (More info to come on this later ;))
4 Make "real" dinner more often.
         (not just something thrown together last minute)
5 Write in my journal more than once a year.

1 Play the Wii more often to get my money's worth out of it...
2 Lose 50 pounds by the end of the year...
3 Think about running to train for races with the wife
4 Stop drinking Dr. Pepper (the elixir of the Gods) :(
5 Take my lunch to work more often than now...
Good-bye Cafe Rio, Bajio, Teriyaki Grill, Chinese Buffet, Taco Maker, and the list goes on...
6 Go on more dates with the wife

Speaking of resolutions:
Don't you just love how busy
all the gyms are in January?
Love it!

Keep it up everyone!!


King Family said...

Logan, seriously play the Wii more??? what's that about!!! Good Luck with your Resolutions, it looks like we can do some together, so we can keep each other on track!

LiNdS said...

I haven't had Dr. Pepper since Dec. 31 2009! You guys goals are awesome! I should have posted ours on our blog! We are trying to do the temple more often too we just live down the street from the Jordan River temple we should all go together in our spare time and maybe after you have your little goon ;)

Cassie said...

Logan is doing really well with the Dr. Pepper too!! None so far this year! Yay!! His next step was going to be mtn. dew.. But that one is not going as well.
We for sure should have a date night and hit up the temple some time! That would be a blast!