Thursday, August 26, 2010

Say cheese!

We have been having fun with the camera.

We couldn't stick with regular pictures very
long though..

B caught on pretty quick and learned
to smile during the count down..





 She couldn't take her eyes off the camera.

Until she saw her buddy in the mirror.

All that smiling wore her out.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

For Park.

This is for you brother.

Don't mind my singing...

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Can't get enough of this baby!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm doing it.

So, I'm going to do this:

For 30 whole days.

I'm going to start...  let's say Sunday.

Whose with me?

Also, I am finally starting running again tonight.
Rain or not!  Gotta be ready for the St. George half
in January.

And since I know you all want to run with me you better
get started now as well! :)

See ya out there!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


One thing I love about having big sisters
is all the knowledge they have that they so
readily share.

This is much more true now that I have a baby.

Although I have received a lot of fantastic advice
from my sisters about how to care for my babe,
probably one of my favorites comes from Erin.

Her little Lesa has a monkey her mother got her that
she just adores (See? Told ya she loves that monkey.)

Because Erin knew the wonders that little monkey
had, she had the wonderful idea to get my baby girl
a little friend all her own.

Meet Miss Ellie.

Boy does she love her!

She has quite a few other stuffed animals but
none she likes nearly as much as that elephant.

Now she is starting to like all sorts of elephants.

Oh my, she is so super excited!!

Thanks for the great gift Erin!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

My favorite food?

Baby burritos of course!!


Sunday, August 15, 2010

My feet,

are still missing the beach.

I just loved that short walk from our hotel room
down to the ocean.

Nothing like those waves washing up around my toes.

I think even the babies feet are missing that view.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Guess what this is!

** Warning ** The following picture is not for those
   with weak stomachs.  (So Mel, you should probably skip this one.)

At work we see lots of weird things, which you would
know if you read this post.

Some of the weird things we see are pretty cool...
Like this:

Can anyone guess what it is? :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Road Trip!!

While B and I were out in Maryland, we had a whole week
with Taci and the Wheelers all to ourselves before the road-
tripping crew got there.

Erin and I decided we needed to take a little road trip of our
own.  So we set off for Gettysburg, despite all of Drew's
warnings about long car rides with little girls.

What an amazing place to be.  Standing in the actual spot where
brothers saw brothers on opposite sides of the war
was heartbreaking.

Knowing how many lives were lost right where I was
standing was awful.

Seeing where the odds were finally turned in the North's
favor and knowing what a miracle and blessing
it was was breathtaking.

Being able to spend time with an amazing sis-in-law and a super
fun little buddy for Bridget was probably my favorite part though.

Oh the fun these two had!! :)
It was so much fun seeing how quickly Lesa fell in
love with little B.  She had to always be touching her...

 Or pushing her stroller...
Thanks for the super fun trip you two!!
It was way worth the screaming. :)

Can't wait until they are old enough to be pen pals!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Boys will be boys...

... nerdy boys, that is.

They love to sit and talk technology....

Gotta love those Merkley boys.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Oh my stars!!!

I love her!!

I don't so much love this going back to work thing. :(

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What a blessing.

For Father's Day this year, Logan was able to bless our
little baby Bridget.

My amazing mother made B's blessing dress, which got nothing
but great comment after comment.

It is so wonderful to have a husband who is worthy of
giving my baby girl such a beautiful blessing.

The next weekend we were able to travel out and see baby Kayson
blessed by his daddy.

It is so much fun to see these two little ones together.
I can not wait until they are older and can be good buddies.

Kayson - 1 month                 Bridget - 2 months

And of course, Aunt Cami was lovin' on her little namesake.